Article: Free Stickers
Free Stickers
Free sugarhai Stuff
Get free sugarhai stuff including stickers, temporary tattoos, bookmarks, mini art prints, and more.
Just send me an SASE and I will put a few things in it and send it back to you.
It's mostly stickers but I do have other things on occasion and I may include random stickers from other sources.
Send your SASE to
4540 42nd Ave SW
Seattle WA 98116
What's an SASE?
It's a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.
Write your address in the center of a blank envelope, put a stamp on it, (don't seal it) then put it inside another envelope and mail it to me.
When will I get my stickers?
It will probably take me a few weeks to get your SASE back to you, but I will do it!
Why do you do this?
I buy samples from my manufacturers to see how my products look. Plus some of my manufactures offer me free or ridiculously low priced items from time to time and I always grab these.
So I end up with tons of stickers and other little things and I just think it's fun to give them away!
This is super sweet of you! 🥹💜
Thank you for sharing your art and merch! 😍
I need stickers!
Thank you so much for doing this! Can’t wait to see what you send. I love surprises!
How amazing! That’s so wonderful of you 💜💜💜💜
I love stickers
Malaina Carneiro
I absolutely love your stickers!!
This is so awesome! Now if my brain can just remember
I LOVE your art! All time favorite local artist!!!
Asia Elliott
You are truly so sweet for doing something like this! 🖤💜💙
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